Prophecies over Norway and The
Viking Nations
Collated by Bernard Brown
Scandinavian Ministries ~ April 2005
1937 Oil along coast of Norway would
indicate the nearness of Jesus’s return
In 1937, Martin Andersen an elder in the Pentecostal
church at Moss in Norway
heard the following prophecy:“ When oil comes out of the
north seas and along theNorwegian coast, things will begin to happen and the
return of Jesus is approaching.”
When these words were proclaimed people stood up in
the congregation and askedthe man to sit down and not to speak such nonsense. Oil
being pumped along theNorwegian coast!? Today Norway is the third biggest
exporter of oil in the world!
1968 A 90 year old lady
from Valdres.
* Period of détente and
disarmament. 3rd world war.
* Luke-warmness and
falling away
* Deterioration in morals
* People stream to Norway
from poor countries
An old woman of 90 from Valdres in Norway had this
vision from God. “I saw the timejust before the return of Jesus and the outbreak of
the Third World War. She mentionsfour events that will happen in Norway in the
last days.
“First, there will be a détente like never before. There
will be a long peace betweenthe Super Powers in the east and west (In 1968 the
cold war was at a peak) In thisperiod there will be disarmament in many countries,
also in Norway,
so we will not beprepared when the war comes. The 3rd world war will
begin in a way that no onecould have anticipated and from an unexpected place.”
Secondly. “A luke-warmness without parallel will take
hold of many Christians,combined with a falling away from true living
Christianity. They will not be open forpenetrating preaching. They will not want to hear of
sin and grace, law and gospel,repentance and restoration. There will come a
substitute instead; prosperity(happiness) Christianity.
The important thing will be to have success, to be
something, to have material things,things that God never promised us. Churches and prayer
houses will be emptier andemptier. Instead of the preaching, entertainment, art and culture will invade thechurches where there should have been gatherings for
repentance and revival.This will increase markedly just before the return of
Thirdly. “There will be a moral disintegration that Norway
has never experienced the likes of. People will live together like married but
without being married. Muchuncleanness before marriage, and much infidelity in
marriage will become the normaland it will be justified from every angle. It will
even enter Christian circles.”
“TV will be filled with such horrible violence that it
teaches people to murder and destroy each other and it will be unsafe on our
streets. People will copy what they see. There will not only be one TV station but the air
will be filled with many. People will use the TV for entertainment. Sex scenes will
also be shown on the screen, the most intimate things that take place in a marriage.” (This
was written in 1968 whenthese things would still have been unthinkable)
Fourthly. “People from poor countries will stream to
Europe. They will also come to Scandinavia and Norway. There will be so many of
them that people will begin to dislike them and will become hard towards them. They
will be treated like the Jewsbefore the Second World War. Then the full measure of
our sins will have been reached.”
The tears streamed down the old woman’s cheeks, “I
will not see, but you will. Then suddenly, Jesus will come and the third world war
breaks out. It will be a short war. All that I have seen of war before is only child’s play
compared to this one, and it will be ended with a nuclear bomb. The air will be so polluted
that one cannot draw one’s breath. It will cover several continents, America, Japan,
and the wealthy nations. The water will be ruined. We can no longer
till the soil. The result will be that only a remnant will remain. The remnant in the wealthy
countries will try to flee to the poorer countries but they will be as hard on us as we were
on them.The one who has his sin forgiven and has Jesus as
Saviour and Lord is safe”
1997 Esther Teo from Singapore.
A vision of the Holy
Spirit moving from England
to Norway.
Norway will be the gate to Europe.
In 1997 Esther Teo from Singapore
has such a burden for Norway
that she travelled there to deliver a special message. “There will be a
revival in Europe. The Holy Spirit is moving from England
to Norway, and Norway will be the gate to Europe.
Missionary fire starters will take the revival from Norway to other parts of Europe.
Pray for Norway’s towns and cities; God will bring the nation back
through them. Prayer warriors from England will visit the country, and
Norwegians will also become prayer warriors, opposing satan and commanding him to let
their people go. But before this move of God’s Spirit there will be a movement of
intercession and repentance.
Intercession and
repentance will precede the move of The Holy Spirit.
September 2001 Bernard
“As the Arctic Circle runs through Norway and Sweden so there is a spiritual
arctic circle that runs through Europe.
As much of the ice and snow melts when the summer comes, I will melt the hearts of these nations by my
Spirit. Brokenness and revival will flow down from Norway,
Sweden, through Denmark and into Germany and the rest of Europe like an unstoppable tide.”
He also saw a picture of Norwegians coming across the
mountains. Each had a rucksack on their back, out of each rucksack was a
Norwegian flag, and from the top of the flag was a flame. He felt God say that the
flame was the life of God, and these people were those who God would use to take His life
from house to house, street to street, city to city and from this nation to many
These people were Vikings with a new spirit that God
would raise up. Once the Vikings were a fearless people who feared no man nor
had any fear of God. Now the Vikings fear man but still don’t fear God. The Vikings
that God is raising up will fear Him but have no fear of man. This time when they go
they will take the life and love of God and reach many for the Kingdom.
“Som Polarsirkelen går gjennom Norge og Sverige slik er det en
åndelig Polarsirkel som går gjennom Europa. Som snø og is smelter når
sommeren kommer, slik vil jeg smelte hjertene i disse nasjonene ved min
Ånd. Sønderknuselse vil flyte nedover fra Norge, Sverige, gjennom
Danmark og inn i Tyskland og resten av Europa som en ustoppelig strøm.”
June 2003.Alec and Sue
Morling from England.
Norway, like Lazarus, is
sick . . .
“I am going to wake him
up - I am going to bring life and revival. I want you to proclaim
22nd November 2000
God gave Günter Krallmann a vision concerning revival
for Norway.
He saw a picture of Norway
from space with a clenched hand, thumb uppermost, poised over the nation, from the base of the hand golden light was
pouring down covering the whole land. The vision was a sign that the Glory of God will
come over Norway.
See Isaiah 40:5 and 60:1-3. A promise that God will do amazing
2004 At a Christian
Conference in Jordan an Arabic speaking man gave a message in ‘a tongue’. The tongue was given in perfect
Swedish, a pastor from Sweden was present at the Conference and heard the message. “At
a small place in the north of Norway
named ‘Trerikrøset near the border with Sweden
and Finland there is source of a river that feeds into the nations
of Norway, Sweden and Finland.This is a picture of a revival that God will bring to these nations’.
2004 YWAM Staff Conference
in Hawaii.
Angel with large flask of
oil – poised to pour it out over north coast of Norway
In 2004 at a conference for staff of YWAM North
America a lady had a picture of an angel standing at the northern coast of Norway. The
angel had a large flask of oil and was poised to pour out the oil. As the angel did so
the oil flowed southward and eastward into Sweden
and on down into Denmark.
She felt that this was a picture of God wanting to pour out revival on these nations and
that the conference should give time to pray for this.
For additional prophecies
concerning about Norway
given to a small group of intercessors who meet
weekly to pray for the nation in Somerset,
England, please go to the Photo
Galleries, the Norwegian Collection and click on the Prophetic Words for Norway