fredag 13 april 2012



Finland-October 2004

By Debra Westbrook

It has been over 2 weeks since I returned from a wonderful month of ministry in Finland. Marvin joined me for the first 10 days and then had to return home while I stayed on. Daily, I have sought the Lord as to how to write an update as to all that transpired while we were there so daily I have sought His face as to what to bring was only this morning that the Lord gave me some thoughts to speak to this glorious nation. This is not an update exactly for it is impossible to tell of all that God did in that month. Our hearts are entwined with the people of this nation and we look forward to going back in the spring of 2005. Once again, Rivers of Eden goes where God directs us and by His Spirit, He connects us in covenant with His plans and His purposes for His people. We are simply obedient vessels that look wholeheartedly to our Lord.

As Rivers of Eden went forth this time, I kept hearing ONE WORD resonate in my spirit the whole month that I was in Finland.


It is NOW time for Finland to arise and take its place in God's endtime harvest.

That is a great word to preach but who is going to stand up to this mandate so that freedom and liberty may come to this great nation? God is looking and His eyes are searching to and fro for ordinary people to step out to do extraordinary things for God.

God is looking for the Finnish people to build their nation from within and to stand up and be counted among God's army in these end times.

I kept being directed to the story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. Here was an ordinary man, chosen to be king, anointed to be extraordinary for God. We all know the story too well but perhaps we know it so well, that we fail to see that God is talking about US, about YOU and about ME.

At this time, this word is directed toward Finland. The Spirit of God hovers over this nation waiting for a people to arise who will walk in their God given destiny and purpose, growing up into the full stature and measure of Christ, putting the past behind, letting God out of the box, and being doers of the Word and not only hearers of the Word.

Goliath had been taunting the armies of God with his great strength and his fame as a champion of the Philistine army. Specifically, He challenges them with these words:

1 Samuel 17:7-11
8 Then he stood and cried out to the armies of Israel, and said to them, "Why have you come out to line up for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and you the servants of Saul? Choose a man for yourselves, and let him come down to me. 9 If he is able to fight with me and kill me, then we will be your servants. But if I prevail against him and kill him, then you shall be our servants and serve us." 10 And the Philistine said, "I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together." 11 When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed and greatly afraid. NKJV

The situation looked hopeless and the armies with Saul were greatly afraid but then along comes David. And in this great nation of Finland, God is indeed looking again for the Davidic order to and women with a heart sold out for God, ready to undertake the impossible NOW for their God. People who will look past their own personal fears and failures to embrace all that God wants to do rather than listen to what others say is impossible. What is impossible to man is ALWAYS POSSIBLE TO GOD.

David, with eyes of faith and not fear, looks at the situation and says this:

1 Samuel 17:26
26 Then David spoke to the men who stood by him, saying, "What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?"NKJV

Immediately, David is harassed by his elder brother, Eliab, but continues to ignore what is seen in the natural and again speaks these words:

1 Samuel 17:28-29
28 Now Eliab his oldest brother heard when he spoke to the men; and Eliab's anger was aroused against David, and he said, "Why did you come down here? And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your pride and the insolence of your heart, for you have come down to see the battle." 29 And David said, "What have I done now? Is there not a cause?" NKJV

Where are the David's in the nation of Finland that are willing to look beyond fear and see with the eyes of faith into the realm of the supernatural and the impossible and see with the eyes of God - His destiny, His purpose and His plan for the nation of Finland. I know that there are many Godly men and women who are undertaking great exploits for God in this nation and are paying a heavy price to step out for their Lord.......but God is wanting to raise up many others in the remnant at this time to step out and be counted.

Just like David, you are unable to wear Saul's armor as we see in 1 Samuel 17:39, for that armor won't fit. Saul represents the religious system who functions under form and structure but is unwilling to seek fellowship, relationship and true intimacy with God. They know a lot about God, but don't really KNOW God. This armor simply won't fit David. It can't fit David for David is a man after God's own heart and David won't be boxed in by a religious system that indeed keeps God in a box.

The David's, both men and women, must arise in this nation to wholeheartedly pursue and follow the Lord, no matter what the cost. They are being called out of dead tradition to LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS, wholehearted abandonment and passion to love the Lord Jesus with their whole being. In their hearts beats a desire, strong and firm......................Is there not a cause? Does not someone want to step out of complacency and apathy to live life and to live it abundantly in  Christ Jesus?

Shed the armor that belongs to Saul because it does not fit you.  Shed all old beliefs and traditions that lead you to a shallow knowledge of Jesus and step out of the boat and launch out into the deep into astounding revelation of your Lord. Let God lead us out of the past, out of previous struggles and into the great unknown. No one ever said it would be easy but God is so looking for someone to step out of the box and to step into the miraculous and into the supernatural.....forsaking all reputation, all honor, and all need for affirmation to follow Him.

Will it be easy? NO

Will it be worth it? YES

NOW is the time and now is the hour..............................

Rom 13:11-14
And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. 12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. 13 Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. 14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts. NKJV

Luke 8:10
10 And He said, "To you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that
'Seeing they may not see, And hearing they may not understand.'  NKJV

12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.  NKJV

Eat from the Right Tree Finland!

Eat from the Right Tree Finland!

By Debra Westbrook

(These words are focused on Finland, where I live and minister but I know that many can find encouragement and challenges in them personally for their own lives.)

“Recently while talking to an individual, I began to see a vision unfold before my eyes. I saw her standing in the garden – a place of intimacy and fellowship with the Lord. Having come out of religion, this place of intimacy was fresh and new to her. Religion had bound her in previous years and now the new found freedom was fresh and invigorating as she walked and talked with God on a daily basis.

Yet in this garden, I also began to see a snake trying to wrap itself around her legs. I immediately knew that this snake was very disturbed that she had come out of religion into freedom. He wanted to pull her back into his clutches to keep her in bondage and in captivity. This snake tried to steal her joy and newfound freedom in Christ by speaking words of doubt, unbelief and fear into her life. In these words there was the constant sound – “Has God really said?”

These words of doubt came from other people that the snake was using to cause her to doubt this place that she found herself in – a place of deep satisfaction and intimacy. These words were coming from a religious spirit that is so prevalent in Finland. The religious spirit is a breeding ground for lying and deceptive spirits to operate and manipulate the people of God in this nation. This spirit is violent and does not stop in spreading lies and deception so that people doubt God and doubt God’s true apostles and prophets and the truth they are bringing forth. This woman was sitting under an anointing of truth and it is setting her free and religious people can’t stand it and will stop at nothing to control and manipulate her back into bondage.

She stood before two trees – the tree of knowledge and the tree of life and she had to make a choice. From what tree would she pick from?  The tree of knowledge held an easy route back into religion. The Tree of Life is Christ Himself moving through true apostolic and prophetic leadership. Choosing the tree of knowledge would lead her into a broad path of what appeared to be the safety of religion where there were no demands on her to change or to triumph in Christ. The Tree of Life was filled with challenges and more questions than there were answers. The Tree of Life will keep us close to the Lord Himself. The Tree of Life, unlike religion, does not foster dependence on man or man’s wisdom or on man’s programs or agenda. The Tree of Life brings freedom along with constant persecution from religious people that need to have everything packaged and figured out.

Which did she choose? The Tree of Life, of course. Why? Because a taste of freedom caused her eyes to be opened to the path of religion and she wanted no part of lies and deception and manipulation any longer. Christ had set her free and she wanted no part of being in bondage again to any form of control or death. I then began to see her challenge the snake that was wrapping itself around her legs with the authority that she found in herself because of Christ in her. She did not challenge it lightly but with great power and conviction.
She confronted the lying spirit that was coming at her from another individual that the snake was using to try to bring her back into bondage and captivity. This lying spirit fueled by religion backed off and then left her alone as the snake unwrapped itself from her legs. She made a choice and in that choice her life will never be the same. She is choosing the narrow path of intimacy with her Lord no matter what people think or say about her. God honors that in her and He is blessing her with great joy, liberty and freedom in Christ.”
End of Vision

As I listened to her talk that day and saw this vision unfold before my eyes, I knew that there were many like her in Finland. Many are held captive by religion along with its lying spirits and its spirits of deception that produce fear in an individual. This fear causes them to run from the truth because of an inaccurate teaching in this nation about the power of the Cross and the Blood to truly set people free. Religion blinds the eyes of so many people here and they don’t see they are blind. They are caught in a trap and it will be Christ Himself flowing through the apostolic and the prophetic that will set them free to BE again, to live again, to breathe again. They run from God instead of running to Him because religion makes them think that it alone has the only answer. Religion lies and calls evil good and good evil, perverting and twisting the truth for its advantage.  Religion denies the supernatural and has a form of godliness but denies the power.

Yet – our God is victorious and He is leading many out one by one to produce a glorious Church in Finland made up of radical and on-fire people who hold nothing back as they pursue God with their whole heart and their whole being. Coming out is never easy but it is worth it. The Apostles and Prophets will rise up with truth in a nation that often denies their very existence. Yet, this unbelief will not stop God from breaking through as the Apostles and Prophets build habitations for His glory all through this nation now and in the coming days. May God alone get all glory and honor and praise!

It is a new day and a new time for Finland. There is NO turning back NOW!

A Great Awakening in Finland

A Great Awakening in Finland

By Debra Westbrook

Recently, God told a team of 3 of us to go to Finland from April 16-29. Out of obedience we embarked upon our journey, which led us through Helsinki and by train to the north of Finland into a town called Oulu. While in Finland, God brought us into times of intercession and prophetic acts, speaking to us clearly concerning His heart for the nation of Finland. God specifically told us to go on these dates, which coincided with the planetary alignments that are now occurring in the heavenlies. We did not have knowledge of this until we were in Helsinki, watching CNN, whereby they described this heavenly phenomenon occurring right before our eyes. God is revealing His glory through His celestial bodies to the nations of the earth and speaking to us of a spiritual awakening and birthing that is taking place. While there, God spoke to us concerning this nation.

"There is coming a great awakening in the nation of Finland."
In times of intercession and worship, we began to see visions. We proclaimed the Word of God over this nation. God began to show me a vision of a high mountain. Upon this mountain stood an old rugged cross, austere and serene upon the heights, which are covered in ice and snow. Suddenly, I saw the Lord Jesus ascend the heights, take the cross, and remove it from its place on this high mountain. In the place where the old rugged cross was, He alone now stood, with arms outstretched wide to encompass this nation with His everlasting love, mercy, and grace, fulfilling the law which has held this nation bound in religion and tradition which has usurped His desire for relationship and intimacy.

As He stood, high and lifted up in resurrection power, the reality of a living Savior flowed through this nation, and suddenly the ice and snow began to melt under His feet, revealing the brilliance of green grass. The snow formed rivers of living water melting, going down the mountain, overflowing into cities and towns where pastors in obscure, small Bethlehem type churches were waiting for a  revelation of a living Savior and Lord to touch their nation. These 'houses of bread' all across the nation, tucked away and hidden are filled with a remnant of people tired of religion and tradition, wanting the reality of their Lord.

This awakening that will flow through this nation will raise up a generation of  revolutionary reformers. They will shake the nation with a revelation of God's grace similar to the shaking that occurred with Martin Luther's revelation that the just shall live by faith. It is no surprise since this nation is predominantly Lutheran that God will choose to raise up radical reformers after the likes of Martin Luther to show forth His grace, triumphing over law and legalism. This will flows forth into a revelation of intimacy, fellowship, and communion with a risen Savior, overflowing over legalism, religion, and tradition into abundant Life.

This awakening will touch with power a generation of young people, overwhelmed by the love of Christ. This is not a surprise to us as this prophecy has been sounding forth throughout the nations of the world for some time now. But it was as I looked into their eyes, beyond the shaved heads, body piercings, tattoos, nose rings, ear rings, black clothes, and satanist t-shirts that I heard the Lord speak two words - 'suppressed rage'. This rage within these young people is revealed in outward manifestations of dress and inward seeking of the supernatural through cultic activities and witchcraft. When this rage is touched and healed by the Spirit of God, through a revelation of a living Savior, reformers and revolutionaries will explode on the scene with the truth of Jesus Christ that will take the nation by storm.

Finland shall be awakened to show forth the glory of the Lord in the coming days. The generations shall unite to show forth this glory. A nation of kings and priest, holy unto their God, mighty in intercession and evangelism, shall arise and be catapulted onto the stage of world events that is coming in these last days.

onsdag 4 april 2012

Ett ord till de nordiska länderna

Under EU-bönen i Stockholm i oktober 2009 då Sverige var ordförandeland framfördes följande budskap:

Et profetisk ord i starten av møtet:
Hesekiel kap. 37, v. 9 – 10
Joel kap. 2, v. 12 – 18

"Våkn opp mitt folk i Norden.
Våkn opp til bønn og strid.
Jeg har en kamp som jeg vil vinne i de nordiske land.
Mine gjenfødte barn, i denne striden er dere min armé.
Vær frimodig. Gå inn i striden.
Frykt ikke. Seieren er sikker, men striden blir hard.
Ta på min fulle rustning til angrep mot ondskapens makter.
Dere er trygge under Jesu blods beskyttelse.
Takk for seieren i Jesu navn! Amen."

A prophetic word in the beginning of the meeting:

"Wake up my people in The Nordic Countries
Wake up to pray and to fight.
I have a battle I will win in the Nordic Countries.
My born again people, you are my army in this battle.
Be encouraged. go into the battle.
Don’t fear. The victory is sure, but it will be a strong fight.
Put on the hole armour of God to fight against the evil power.
You are secure in the blood of Jesus.
Give thanks for the victory in The Name of Jesus. Amen"

tisdag 3 april 2012

En profetia om de ryska judarnas ankomst till Sverige

En profetia om de ryska judarnas ankomst till Sverige - Bo Lundin

Det var 1994. Sommaren hade varit varm och intensiv med många möten på Ölandsgården. Jag kände mig överansträngd och trött efter sommarens slut. Säsongen var över och de flesta sommargästerna hade börjat lämna Öland. Då ringde någon från USA ...

En dam frågade om det fanns möjlighet all hyra en stuga på Ölandsgården. Det var tre, eventuellt fem damer som skulle komma. Vi hälsade dem välkomna och tyckte att ett extra tillskott i församlingens kassa inte var att förakta även om vi kände oss trötta. 

Sent på kvällen några dagar senare fick vi ett telefonsamtal från busstationen i Borgholm att det satt tre damer och väntade och de visste inte hur de skulle komma till Ölandsgården. Vi hade gått och lagt oss och det fanns ingen bussförbindelse så sent på kvällen, klockan var halv elva. Nu undrade man på bussterminalen hur man skulle göra med resenärerna?

- Jag kommer och hämtar dem med bil om tre kvart, svarade jag. 

Till den här händelsen hör också att vi fått ytterligare ett telefonsamtal som meddelade att en av kvinnornas bror hade kört av vägen och störtat ned i en ravin och omkommit. Man hade fått lyfta upp bilen med hjälp av en helikopter. Detta tragiska budskap hade jag alltså att meddela. 

Då vi återkom till Ölandsgården körde jag dem till den stuga där de skulle bo. Den enda kontakt vi hade med dessa damer var då de var inne hos oss och ringde med anledning av olyckan. Det gick några dagar och under tiden kom ytterligare två kvinnor från USA och som förenades med de andra. Jag visste inte alls vilka de var eller av vilken anledning de kommit till just oss på Ölandsgården. 

Syner och tilltal

Efter några dagar kom en av kvinnorna, Esther Olsen, och bad all få träffa oss. De önskade be för mig och min fru, May. 

Under tre dagar hade de fastat och varit inför Herren och nu hade de ett meddelande till oss. Vi hälsade dem välkomna och det första de gjorde var att presentera sig vilka de var. De berättade att de var evangelister och bönekvinnor som reste på Herrens befallning dit han gav dem order att resa. Nu hade Herren sagt åt dem att åka till norra Öland med ett uppdrag. 

Den första kvinnan sade att hon kände igen May från en syn hon hade haft under bönen hemma i USA. 

Den andra kvinnan berättade att hon under bönen hemma hade sett stugan som de nu bodde i. 

Den tredje kvinnan berättade att hon under bönen hemma i USA hade sett hela området där de nu bodde, fyllt med änglar i vita kläder. 

Den fjärde kvinnan berättade att kvällen innan hon skulle flyga över till Europa ringde en väninna, en bönekvinna i Los Angeles, upp henne och frågade vart hon skulle resa. Hon berättade då att hon först skulle resa till London och sedan till Amsterdam och sedan till en ö i Östersjön utanför Sveriges kust. Då sa kvinnan från Los Angeles: Den sista platsen är den viktigaste. 

Tusentals flyende ryska judar

Efter presentationen sa en av kvinnorna, pastorn är sjuk men Herren skall hela dig. Du behöver vila, kom ihåg vila, vila, vila. Sedan kom ett profetiskt tilltal från Herren där han berättade att inom en snar framtid kommer tusentals ryska judar i småbåtar att gå iland just här nere i bukten och de kommer att gå upp till denna plats på Ölandsgården. Herren har utvalt er att ta emot dem och ni behöver inte bekymra er för medarbetare, dem kommer Gud att sända när tiden är inne. Herren kommer också att sända mat, kläder, medicin och pengar som ni skall förvalta. Er uppgift är att kontakta myndigheter, boka flygplan som kan transportera Guds folk till Israel, ordna med platser och husrum för att vila sig medan de väntar på vidare transport med bussar och andra transportmedel. Herren skall smörja er in i en ny tjänst och du kommer att vara såsom Mose.

Vi fick också personliga hälsningar från Herren. Efter någon dag lämnade bönekvinnorna Ölandsgården och for vidare, några till USA och några till Israel för nya uppgifter. 

Dagen efter deras avfärd stod jag och tittade ut genom köksfönstret mot stranden och tänkte på vad dessa kvinnor hade förmedlat. Jag kände mig lite förvirrad och undrade vilket språk de talade. 

- Ryska kan vi ju inte, sa jag till May. Jag undrar om det går med engelska eller vilket språk skall vi använda? Då svarade hon, Ann vår sonhustru har läst ryska!

- Vad säger du? sa jag. 

En dröm 

Ett par dagar senare blev vi inbjudna till ett födelsedagskalas, vår sonson fyllde nämligen 20 år. May kastade då fram frågan till vår sonhustru, har inte du läst ryska? 

- Jo, i tre år. 

- Hur kom det sig, frågade jag? 

- Jag hade en dröm där jag såg att ryska judar kom i småbåtar och gick iland i Bödabukten och sedan gick de upp mot Ölandsgården. 

Hon hade sett samma syn som de amerikanska bönekvinnorna! De visste ju inte alls om varandra. Jag gick länge och grunnade på vad Gud menade med att använda mig som Mose. Kunde det vara riktigt eller var det bara någonting som dessa bönekvinnor hade hittat på? Jag tyckte nog att det lät lite häftigt i mina öron. 

Märklig profetia

En dag kommer min svåger hem. Han har en profetisk gåva och när han kom sa han, Nancy, det är hans fru, har skickat hit mig, jag vet inte varför. Sedan vi suttit och pratat en stund började vi att be och tacka Herren tillsammans. Då faller den helige Ande över min svåger och han säger: Herren har en hälsning till dig. Du skall slå upp Bibeln och läsa Josua 1:5. Jag fick tag i min Bibel och började läsa "Ingen skall kunna stå dig emot i alla dina livsdagar, såsom jag har varit med Mose, så skall jag ock vara med dig, jag skall icke lämna dig eller övergiva dig."

Min svåger har en underlig gåva. Han brukar profetera under nätterna då han sover! Han talar klart och tydligt men har ingen aning om vad han har sagt. Därför har hans fru en bandspelare som hon brukar sätta på då budskapen kommer! När min svåger kom hem, fick han höra inspelningen, så han ringde upp mig och sa: "Lyssna skall du få höra" Det var från nattens inspelning och jag hörde Herren tala genom Per-Olof "Du skall gå till din broder och meddela ett budskap från mig. Du skall låta honom läsa Josua 1:5. Men du Nancy får inte spela upp detta för Per förrän han har utfört sitt uppdrag," 

Ut ur Nordlandet

Varför jag nu går ut och publicerar denna händelse och detta tilltal från Herren, beror på att jag nu upplever tiden mycket nära då det profetiska ordet skall gå i fullbordan: "Se, därför skall dagar komma, säger Herren, då man inte mer skall säga: "Så sant Herren lever, han som har fört Israels barn ut ur Egyptens land", utan "Så sant Herren lever, han som har fört upp Israels hus släkt och hämtat dem ut ur nordlandet, och ur alla andra länder till vilka jag har drivit dem bort." Och de skall få bo i sitt land, Jer 23 :7-8. 

Att tiden närmar sig med hast för judarnas exodus, har jag gång på gång fått bekräftat genom flera profeter som var för sig, oberoende av varandra, har bekräftat detta. Jag vill nämna några, Rory Kaye, messiansk jude från Israel som tillsvidare bor i Göteborg, Douglas Lilley från Canada, Ester Leever från England och Maria Raus från Jerusalem. Alla dessa profeter har vid sina besök här i Kalmar och på Ölandsgården, var för sig, genom den helige Ande, bekräftat det förestående uttåget från Ryssland. Många ryska judar kommer just till denna kuststräcka. 

De kommer inte bara i tusental utan i tiotusental. 

En artikel från BED nr 2 1998


Strategic Prophetic Word - Norway

Strategic Prophetic Word - Europe - Norway

October 21, 2002
Norway has strong bones, sits in a place of vision and prophecy, and has an important part to play in the unfolding purposes of the Lord in both Europe and the Middle East. It is time to expose and reject the New Age influences that have exalted themselves in Norway. As this happens the Lord will give Norway a sign—the weather over Scandinavia will change so that the sunshine will increase and the overcast will decrease.


Strategic Prophetic Word - Norway/Sweden/Finland

Strategic Prophetic Word - Europe - Norway/Sweden/Finland

August 4, 2006
I am seeing the Scandinavian Nations—Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I am just going to prophesy revival in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I believe, Lord, You are showing me that there is a German who is going to have great influence and great anointing in the Scandinavian region. And so Father, I join with him now by faith, and I say "release that influence, release that power, release that proclamation" Lord for some transformation in those nations in the name of Jesus. And I get the name Marcus, I have no idea, but Lord if you are going to mark that person or if that is his name, we just believe tonight for a German who has a commission to the Scandinavian nations. We believe that he will make a marked difference in a number of cities in that region of the world.


måndag 2 april 2012

Skakningar i Norden - Marc Dupont

Skakningar i Norden - Marc Dupont

"Domen börjar över Guds hus och allra först över ledarskapet. Herren kommer med en orkan över ledarna. Deras andliga ben skall slås undan under dem. Det skall kännas som en jordbävning under dem.

Några skall förlora sin ställning, andra kastas ut ur sina samfund, andra offras av folket i den egna gemenskapen.

Men Herren säger: liksom orkanen skall även ett härlighetsmoln komma över er. Var inte som folket, som Herren kallade till berget men som flydde från Herrens närvaro.

Var inte rädda för det allraheligaste! Var inte rädda för den fruktansvärde Guden! Darra inför Guds Ord i kärlek och vördnad. Låt mina tjänare komma till min tron, säger Herren.

Frukta inte jordbävningen, för jag står bakom den. Frukta inte skakningarna, för allt i era hjärtan, som inte är av mig, skall skakas! När ni faller skall jag resa upp er.

Frukta inte människor, frukta inte kritik, dra er inte undan min närvaro, för jag reser upp nya ledare, får som hör min röst, människor efter mitt hjärta. De skall betjäna mitt folk och tvätta dess fötter. Mitt folk renas av det ord jag talar till dem, men det behöver få sina fötter tvättade för att kunna närma sig min helighet och härlighet.

En sak återstår: ledarna i Norden, i alla samfund, måste skaka av sig denna världens smuts och lära sig att sitta vid mina fötter. Jag skall lära dem ödmjukhet och kärlek; och de skall ta de ord som uttalas från tronen, de skall ta mitt hjärtas rop till mitt folk, och i ödmjukhet och kärlek tvätta dess fötter.

Mitt folk i Norden har matthetens och modlöshetens ande, men jag skall ikläda er en lovsångens mantel. Jag skall ställa era fötter stadigt på den klippa som heter ‘intimitet med Gud’, och ni skall aldrig mera skakas kraftigt. Ni skall lära känna er Guds kärlek i stor kraft. Jag skall lägga en ny sång i era hjärtan och många skall se och frukta, se och frukta Herren Gud, de som ännu inte gjort det.

Jag säger till ledarna i Norden, i alla olika grupper; jag skall smälta er samman i min ande, och ni skall veta vad det innebär att stå på helig mark, och ni skall veta vad det innebär att betjäna Kristi kropp”
