torsdag 1 maj 2014

Profetiskt ord till Danmark

Prophetic word for Denmark / Päivi Heikkilä 28.1.2014

The vision of the map of Denmark with some key cities and the word “Blow the Shofar on Mount Zion!” for mobilizing God’s Army and for preparing the Body of Christ
It’s my time for your nation Denmark! Rise up to your destiny in the end times of the nations of Norden. I’m calling you to stand up and prepare my people for this time. Now is the year of Decision, whom you will serve; your own life or Me!

Commander in Chief is blowing the Shofar over Denmark
Attention! Wake up! Move!

- He is blowing down the high towers in your life which have been your worldly goals in life - To make you able to see His goals

- He is blowing the Shofar to gather you together for you all are scattered on the walls

-The Voice of His Shofar is opening your spiritual eyes to see your calling and who you are in Him – also to see others like this (no more according the flesh)

- He is showing to you the plan He has for Denmark – The map and the war map. The map;
There are some key cities He wants to be prepared for Him. He will show how.

- He is building His Army in Denmark - the generals and the troops

- He is calling His people to the river to see who is suitable for Him (like Gideon; “And the number of those who lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, was three hundred men. The New King James Version, and the original text in the Bible), if they are willing to drink from the Hand of God (the fivefold ministry gifts).

- The final fight for the nations is drawing near for the final harvest. He is preparing His people (Eph. 4:10-12).

- The generals are to come together to do the war map as He is showing. He is taking those He want to the Mountain to see the plan. Those who are seeking Him, as He has been calling them. They are Elijahs of this time; they will prepare this nation for Him. They will turn the people from disobedience to righteous mind. The fathers (the fivefold ministers) to the children (the saints) and the children to the fathers. They are also gathering the young and the old together.

- The apostles and the prophets will lead with the pastors; this is a challenge and will reveal if the Cornerstone has been put in place or is forsaken. Those who forsake the Cornerstone will be forsaken, as He has said, He will come only if they say “Blessed is the one who comes in His Name (not in their own name). Many wine yards have been stolen like Jezebel did. They have forgotten who the Owner is. Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

- He is saying: Bow down and listen to Me.

- In many places they have started to build their own houses on the Mountain of His Glory. Hear the Father saying: This is My Beloved Son; listen to Him!

- I’m not only building My Army, as I call you to fight for your cities and nation. I’m preparing My Body, My Bride in the process. I bring you together to receive your selves the way you belong to the Body to make it complete.

- I’m bringing love and unity as you fight together for the common goal

- I wake your love for Me as it was first

- I make you beautiful and it will be said of you; “Who is this who rises up beautiful as Moon, so frightening as an Army?”

- This will be close to the time, when the Moon and the Sun will go together to their Chamber. I’m coming to take you to my Chamber and to be with Me always.

Vision during the Bedehus Denmark gathering 29.1.2014; Angels in Heaven writing down the name of your cities and the things you were praying for your city.


tisdag 14 januari 2014

Sweden as a Lighthouse

Sweden as a Lighthouse
7 March 2011
by Jennifer Rossbach
I had this vision as I was praying of a strong fortress which represented the structures and institutions in Sweden that have replaced God and our reliance upon Him. I saw how the prayers of the saints have caused this seemingly indestructible fortress to begin to disintegrate from within each brick and they were becoming brittle. As the prayers continued to rise up concerning this fortress it crumbled from within as if it were only chunks of sand piled in to nothing at the end.
I also saw the need for vigilance of prayer to be lifted for those who would be called to help rebuild a new and holy structure with the partnership of the Holy Spirit as the architect. Those who perhaps felt unworthy would be positioned around people of influence to breathe new life in to their hearts and truth would be illuminated so that change could be granted though an open door that no man could shut. Isaiah 45:1.
I sense a profound portion of God’s love being deposited over this nation. As these called individuals care for the hearts of those entrusted to make influential decisions, a new precedent would be set. A reversal of the emphasis on “the system” would be replaced with an emphasis on “the individual”. Hunger to understand the Father’s heart would burn in their hearts.
I see tears of repentance as their eyes were now open to see the errors of the past, yet God's love would not allow them to settle in regret since shame is a tactic the enemy tries to put on the people. Redemption through His love and through His blood releases them from any grip of shame. The enemy cannot continue to steal in this way. Newness is on the horizon!
A beacon of light is being released and I almost see Sweden as a lighthouse guiding and directing the other nations as these other nations encounter chaos. Hope and truth emanate from this light beaming from the Nordic nations... Sweden will be a trustworthy friend to many countries who seek to know the Truth and Sweden’s testimony will shatter the lies the enemy has tried to present through the media on a global scale.
The Lord's love (light) will burn away disillusion (fog) which has kept the people of this world in a state of distraction. Sweden will be a prototype of the Lord's unfathomable love and hope to other countries.