lördag 16 maj 2020

Profetia till Danmark under Bedehus Danmarks bönevecka, januari 2020

"En af årets undervisere på bedeugen, Henning Schikora, afleverede denne profeti til Danmark tirsdag d. 28 januar. Han underviste også om Melkisedeks salvelse, hvilket kort sagt er at forstå helheden af den identitet og udrustning, som vi har fået i Kristus. Ligesom Kristus (og Melkisedek) er vi både præster, profeter, konger og krigere ... og vi beder fra et sted med myndighed - ud fra Guds egen trone."


torsdag 1 maj 2014

Profetiskt ord till Danmark

Prophetic word for Denmark / Päivi Heikkilä 28.1.2014

The vision of the map of Denmark with some key cities and the word “Blow the Shofar on Mount Zion!” for mobilizing God’s Army and for preparing the Body of Christ
It’s my time for your nation Denmark! Rise up to your destiny in the end times of the nations of Norden. I’m calling you to stand up and prepare my people for this time. Now is the year of Decision, whom you will serve; your own life or Me!

Commander in Chief is blowing the Shofar over Denmark
Attention! Wake up! Move!

- He is blowing down the high towers in your life which have been your worldly goals in life - To make you able to see His goals

- He is blowing the Shofar to gather you together for you all are scattered on the walls

-The Voice of His Shofar is opening your spiritual eyes to see your calling and who you are in Him – also to see others like this (no more according the flesh)

- He is showing to you the plan He has for Denmark – The map and the war map. The map;
There are some key cities He wants to be prepared for Him. He will show how.

- He is building His Army in Denmark - the generals and the troops

- He is calling His people to the river to see who is suitable for Him (like Gideon; “And the number of those who lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, was three hundred men. The New King James Version, and the original text in the Bible), if they are willing to drink from the Hand of God (the fivefold ministry gifts).

- The final fight for the nations is drawing near for the final harvest. He is preparing His people (Eph. 4:10-12).

- The generals are to come together to do the war map as He is showing. He is taking those He want to the Mountain to see the plan. Those who are seeking Him, as He has been calling them. They are Elijahs of this time; they will prepare this nation for Him. They will turn the people from disobedience to righteous mind. The fathers (the fivefold ministers) to the children (the saints) and the children to the fathers. They are also gathering the young and the old together.

- The apostles and the prophets will lead with the pastors; this is a challenge and will reveal if the Cornerstone has been put in place or is forsaken. Those who forsake the Cornerstone will be forsaken, as He has said, He will come only if they say “Blessed is the one who comes in His Name (not in their own name). Many wine yards have been stolen like Jezebel did. They have forgotten who the Owner is. Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

- He is saying: Bow down and listen to Me.

- In many places they have started to build their own houses on the Mountain of His Glory. Hear the Father saying: This is My Beloved Son; listen to Him!

- I’m not only building My Army, as I call you to fight for your cities and nation. I’m preparing My Body, My Bride in the process. I bring you together to receive your selves the way you belong to the Body to make it complete.

- I’m bringing love and unity as you fight together for the common goal

- I wake your love for Me as it was first

- I make you beautiful and it will be said of you; “Who is this who rises up beautiful as Moon, so frightening as an Army?”

- This will be close to the time, when the Moon and the Sun will go together to their Chamber. I’m coming to take you to my Chamber and to be with Me always.

Vision during the Bedehus Denmark gathering 29.1.2014; Angels in Heaven writing down the name of your cities and the things you were praying for your city.


tisdag 14 januari 2014

Sweden as a Lighthouse

Sweden as a Lighthouse
7 March 2011
by Jennifer Rossbach
I had this vision as I was praying of a strong fortress which represented the structures and institutions in Sweden that have replaced God and our reliance upon Him. I saw how the prayers of the saints have caused this seemingly indestructible fortress to begin to disintegrate from within each brick and they were becoming brittle. As the prayers continued to rise up concerning this fortress it crumbled from within as if it were only chunks of sand piled in to nothing at the end.
I also saw the need for vigilance of prayer to be lifted for those who would be called to help rebuild a new and holy structure with the partnership of the Holy Spirit as the architect. Those who perhaps felt unworthy would be positioned around people of influence to breathe new life in to their hearts and truth would be illuminated so that change could be granted though an open door that no man could shut. Isaiah 45:1.
I sense a profound portion of God’s love being deposited over this nation. As these called individuals care for the hearts of those entrusted to make influential decisions, a new precedent would be set. A reversal of the emphasis on “the system” would be replaced with an emphasis on “the individual”. Hunger to understand the Father’s heart would burn in their hearts.
I see tears of repentance as their eyes were now open to see the errors of the past, yet God's love would not allow them to settle in regret since shame is a tactic the enemy tries to put on the people. Redemption through His love and through His blood releases them from any grip of shame. The enemy cannot continue to steal in this way. Newness is on the horizon!
A beacon of light is being released and I almost see Sweden as a lighthouse guiding and directing the other nations as these other nations encounter chaos. Hope and truth emanate from this light beaming from the Nordic nations... Sweden will be a trustworthy friend to many countries who seek to know the Truth and Sweden’s testimony will shatter the lies the enemy has tried to present through the media on a global scale.
The Lord's love (light) will burn away disillusion (fog) which has kept the people of this world in a state of distraction. Sweden will be a prototype of the Lord's unfathomable love and hope to other countries.
källa: http://profetiskt.blogspot.se/2013/12/sweden-as-lighthouse.html

tisdag 12 november 2013

Sweden Will Rise Again

Från The Storehouse Sweden:
Sweden Will Rise Again

By Eric Boerhout - 25 October 2013

This is the impression God gave me on thursday evening during the first storehouse weekend gathering.
“Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up.” (John 11:11 NKJV)

I felt in my heart that God was speaking in the context of Sweden. The name Lazarus means: he who God helps. Secondly Lazarus was loved by Jesus (Therefore the sisters sent to Him, saying, “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.” (John 11:3) Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. (John 11:5 NKJV)

At the beginning of the weekend God made clear that He is helping Sweden and those who make themselves available to bring His kingdom to this nation. Sweden has a special place in the heart of God and it is a nation that God loves. The nation is asleep, but Jesus says “I go that I may wake Sweden up”.

Hearing the cry of His people about the ‘sickness of Sweden’, his heart is not troubled, but he responds: “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” (John 11:4 NKJV)

Jesus stayed two more days at the place where He was before He went to Judea. When he came there Martha talked to Jesus concerning the death of her brother. His answer to her was:”Your brother will rise again.” (John 11:9, 23 NKJV) Both Jönköping and Sweden shall rise again!

In our work and prayer for the restoration of Jönköping and Sweden the answer for new life and resurrection is found in the coming of Jesus himself, His presence, His Spirit and His Word. Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life”(John 11:25 NKJV)

When Mary came to Jesus she said the same thing to Him as Martha: “Then, when Mary came where Jesus was, and saw Him, she fell down at His feet, saying to Him, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” (John 11:25, 32 NKJV)

When he heard this, Jesus’ heart got troubled and He wept. He went to the tomb and told the people to take away the stone. I felt in my heart that because of the obedience towards God to have the weekend, a stone that kept Sweden (Jonkoping) in its grave had already been moved the moment the weekend begone.

I noticed that it was not Jesus who moved the stone in front of the grave, but those who obeyed His voice.
and to those who doubt what will happen, Jesus says: “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:25, 32, 40 NKJV)

Then Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him, and let him go.” (John 11:43, 44)

With a loud voice Jesus cries out: Sweden, come forth! This cry of Jesus is what the weekend launched and released as we stood in agreement with what God is speaking. Sweden is arising and is coming out of the tomb, out of darkness into the light. Now Jesus is calling His people to release Sweden from it’s bounds and grave clothes, and says: “loose Sweden, and let here go”.

Sweden shall be loosed from its bounds and grave clothes and shall be released into Europe as a witness for the glory of Jesus Christ.
“This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” (John 11:4 NKJV) 

Källa: http://thestorehousesweden.wordpress.com/2013/11/04/sweden-will-rise-again/

söndag 11 augusti 2013

Ett ord till Sverige

 The Lord will bless the efforts to bring down the walls and spiritual barriers in the church. Just as Barnabus had to go get Saul (Paul) before he could be fully released in his own ministry, the divided church in Sweden needs each other to fulfill their destiny. Saul was a hard and difficult man, but he would become Paul, and the Lord saw him as the apostle of grace who could be trusted with His most fruitful field.
The increased economic and social earthquakes are opportunities for those with vision. Sweden will be a fortress for the cross, and a light that shines to the east, the west and the south."

Utdrag från:  

Prophetic Words for 1994
Morning Star Prophetic Bulletin #6

måndag 8 april 2013

"Jeg elsker Norge"

Budskap til Norge
ved Kjell Gunnar Lohne

 Jeg elsker Norge

«Jeg har Norge i mine planer i denne tid, Jeg vil virke igjennom Norge både apostolisk og profetisk. Helt fra tidenes morgen valgte jeg ut blant annet lille Norge i sammen med Israel til å være land som skal være hode. Jeg vil vise min allmakt på og igjennom Norge.»

«Israel er min øyensten og mitt hjerte barn, og landet er en profetisk klokke. Norge derimot er et profetisk land, som skal fungere som et talerør for meg.»  

«Johannes, døperen hadde denne oppgaven som en forløper og veirydder, før Jesus skulle inntre i sin tjeneste på jorden. I Norge har det vært vanskelig å være profet, og en grunn er at det ligger et profetisk kall over landet, som Satan har prøvd å hindre. Han har med sine løgner og listige planer nesten ødelagt Norge. Men nå reiser jeg landet opp igjen i stråleglans.»

«Jeg har sett hvordan dere kristne har vært hale og ikke hode. Jeg er iblant dere i disse dager og kaller dere på nytt til en hellig strid for landet. Dette kall til tjeneste går ut til mitt folk i hele landet, spesielt til det dere kaller menigheter og de enkelte troende. Våkne opp fra sløvheten og ta i bruk alle de våpen dere har fått av meg. Jeg har overvunnet alle onde krefter for dere.»

«Jeg har åpnet for dere dører i deres nærmiljø og der dere har deres daglige virke. Der dere går, blir mitt rike synlig. Der dere går inn, må Satan gå ut, dere er lys, og lyset fortrenger alltid mørket. Jeg har beseiret alt det onde, og dere skal administrere denne seier, i mitt navn.»

«Satan har prøvd å stenge meg ute fra viktige områder av samfunnet. I mitt ord, Bibelen står det skrevet at dersom jeg ikke får bygge huset, så bygger man forgjeves. Det gjelder også huset Norge. Mine barn, bygg med visdom og åpenbaring, kunnskap og forstand. Jeg er grunnen dere skal bygge på.»

«Jeg står foran døren og banker. Nå banker jeg på dørene, først til dere som har meg som Herre og frelser. Deretter banker jeg på dørene i samfunnet. Undervisning, Helse og Omsorg, Næring, Lov og Rett, Styring og Øvrigheter, Kultur og Kreativitet. Når jeg er inne og får styre og lede på disse felt, da kommer Norge i en leder posisjon. Jeg har mange resurser som vil bli frigitt for å kunne utføre de oppdrag som ligger klar for Norge, de bare venter på å bli løst ut.»

«Norge er under min behandling. Dersom dere som er mitt folk ydmyker dere og ber, vil jeg lege landets frafall. Søk først mitt rike og min rettferdighet, så vil alt det andre komme på plass. Denne forandring som jeg vil gjøre i Norge, skjer ikke ved makt eller våpen, men bare ved min Ånd. Jeg vil styrke dere mine barn, ved at dere søker meg i ånd og sannhet. Jeg vil salve dere, fylle dere på nytt med min Ånd. Min Ånd skal være i dere og over dere til tjeneste.»

Jeg har et skifte på gang i Norge
«Jeg holder på å grave opp de gamle brønner som gav Norge fremgang. Dersom du leser Norges historie, så vil du se at Gud har gitt sine ambassadører beskjeder om hans planer for landet. Jeg reiste opp menn og kvinner, som skulle gå foran for å vise vei.»

(Noen fikk kall til å være forløpere i forskjellige områder i samfunnet. En av dem var Hans Nielsen Hauge. Gud reiste Hauge opp i en tid der det var mangel på det meste i Norge. Vi er nå i en tid der det trengs en ny retning for landet vårt.)

«Frykt ikke for Norge, jeg har mine planer for landet. Jeg har tjenester som er utrustet av meg for å gjenopprette landet etter min standard og det kall jeg har for landet. Disse tjenester får mandat til å forandre landet så jeg kan få tale til landet.»

(Disse tjenerne kan lignes med Daniel, Moses, Josef, Josva og Nehemja. Men vi lever i en ny pakt, som gjør at disse gaver vil utøve en gitt autoritet fra meg. De vil fungere i team med andre tjenester, som apostler, profeter, evangelister, hyrder og lærere. Jeg opplever at vi har vært for opptatt med menigheten, at vi nesten har glemt å være ambassadører i denne verden. Jødene har forstått dette, og gjort seg bemerket på mange områder i verden, de er best på det meste. Gud vil at også vi skal være blant de beste, fordi vi også er Guds folk.
Gud reiser i dag opp mange forbedere i Norge, vil du være en av dem?)

«Dere som er mine barn, vil oppleve store og underfulle ting, dører som har vært stengt for dere, er nå åpnet av meg. Dere vil oppleve en større tørst etter mitt ord, hvor dere går. Denne tørst etter meg og ordet har jeg lagt ned i det norske folk. Dere som tror, er de som skal mette de som tørster.»

«Jeg er livets brød for Norge. Jeg vil fylle Norge med min herlighet, dersom dere slipper meg inn.»

«Dere mine barn må ikke være redde for å utfordre Satan og hans demoner. Når dere ikke helbreder syke, driver ut onde ånder i mitt navn så vokser den negative ånde-verdens innflytelse. Dere må våkne opp og reise dere for å bruke den autoritet jeg har gitt dere. Det norske folk trenger å se under, tegn og mirakler. De er beviser på at jeg lever i dag. Jesus gjorde det og dere kan gjøre det og skal gjøre det. Mitt ord forteller, at de som tror, skal gjøre de samme gjerninger som Jesus gjorde.»

«Dere som leser mitt ord har nok sett at Profeten Elias levde under tider med mye åndskamper, som det også er i dag. Han fikk i oppdrag å utfordre Baals profetene. Dette skjedde på fjellet Karmel. Baals profetene ropte og ropte på sin gud, men de fikk ikke svar. Elias bad til meg den levende Gud, og jeg svarte med ild fra himmelen. Dette var en maktdemonstrasjon fra himmelen. Jeg er den samme i dag. Jeg har all makt, og denne makt har dere i mitt navn, Jesu navn.»

«Nå spør jeg dere, vil dere være med å vende Norge tilbake meg?»

Fra BØLENDE LAM’s blad
Den Profetiske Røst

Tidningen kan laddas ned som pdf-fil och läsas i sin helhet  här

måndag 18 februari 2013

Profetiska tilltal till de Skandinaviska länderna

Från King´s ministries, OBS att kartorna är klickbara:

Scandinavian countries

Vision of Finland being prepared for a revival, prophetic intercessory prayer

The Lord spoke In 1998 about rising up God’s army in Finland. As an example should be king Jehoshaphat from the family of David, who placed troops in all the fortified cities of Judah (II Chron. 17). He sent his 5 highest officials to the cities to teach with 9 priests. So we, too, should place God’s troops , His prayer army, to our cities. God will also place his 5 officials, the fife fold ministry gifts, in the Body of Christ, in the Church throughout Finland, to all cities; the teachers, the shepherds, the evangelists, the prophets and the apostles. They will make the Body of Christ ready for the work of gospel. 9 priests are symbolizing the 9 gifts of the Spirit, which the Bible tells.

This is a picture of all the 5 ministries of God, as well as the whole Body of Christ will function in the grace and anointing of the Holy Spirit, equipped with His gifts. This way Finland will be prepared for the revival. We started to call and gather these city prayer groups from about year 2000 in 14 cities and later in October 2008 the Peoples Bible Society organized the Christ Day in Turku hall, where a city prayer group got started in every city and town, 10 000 intercessors being there from all places in Finland. The prayer groups are formed of believers from all Christian denominations and churches. They gather weekly to pray for their city or town and thus prepare it for a revival.
The Lord has spoken also about to start prayer centers all over in Finland. I have marked in the vision 10 prayer centers, some of them already being established and many people having vision to start one.

The map of Finland with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers
The map of Finland with the vision of city prayer group network and prayer centers

The Lord has shown, that the other Scandinavian countries should also start a city prayer group network
A prophet named Deborah in Northern Ireland has seen a vision of Finland calling other nations in North and in Europe to rise up a prayer army in their land. She has drawn her vision on a map and we see it here; the maiden Finland blowing the sofar and calling nations to prepare for a revival with city prayer groups all over their land.

The vision of maiden Finland blowing the sofar
The vision of maiden Finland blowing the sofar

The Lord is calling intercessors to the cities and towns of Scandinavian countries. I believe, God is going to lift these 5 Northern Cross Flag Nations to glorify the victory of the cross of Jesus Christ in this end time as an encouragement for the whole Europe.
Scandinavian countries

Below is the map of Sweden with the vision of the city prayer network and prayer centers. Let’s pray, that the Lord will lift up in every city someone He has chosen, often in prophetic calling, to blow the trumpet and call believers to come together from different churches to pray for their city.
Pastors together with intercessory leaders of prophetic or apostolic anointing may start a strong city wide prayer group or a prayer gathering, for ex once a month to come together to pray for their city. A pastor can point in his church someone to start a prayer group in the church for the city. There can of course be many prayer groups in one city praying for a change and revival.

The map of Sweden with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers
The map of Sweden with the vision of city prayer group network and prayer centers

Below you see the map of Norway with the vision of the whole country being fortified with city prayer groups and prayer centers. We pray, that the Lord will rise up those blowing the sofar in the cities and towns of Norway to call intercessors to come together for their city. And that those, whom God has called to start a prayer center, would seek the Lord and be bold in the work. In intercessory prayer we will make our land ready for the visitation of the Lord.

The map of Norway with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers
The map of Norway with the vision of city prayer group network and prayer centers

In Denmark the Lord will also wake up the Church to stand up and fight for their cities and towns!
God promises in His word: “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”
(II Chron. 7:14). We pray, that our brothers and sisters in Denmark would gather together to pray for their cities to prepare their land for revival!

The map of Denmark with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers
The map of Denmark with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers

God is looking at Iceland and at His intercessors there to rise up and to pray for their home cities and towns. In Iceland too, you have to blow the trumpet and gather believers together to pray and to cry out to God for salvation and healing of the land!

The map of Iceland with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers
The map of Iceland with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers

I have been touched by the story in Luke, where Jesus is crying for Jerusalem, because she did not know her time of visitation of the Lord. Straight after that He goes to the temple and rebukes it for not praying! He turns the table upside down and is furious about the condition of His Father’s House saying: “It is written, My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves”
(Luke 19:41-45). I think, that if the House of God had prayed, the city would have know her time of visitation. Interceding for the city we can wake it up to hear and see God’s calling.

Jesus cleansing the temple
Jesus cleansing the temple to be a House of Prayer

I’m sure God wants to cleanse the Church of Scandinavian countries from all vain work and call it to pray for their cities!
