måndag 18 februari 2013

Profetiska tilltal till de Skandinaviska länderna

Från King´s ministries, OBS att kartorna är klickbara:

Scandinavian countries

Vision of Finland being prepared for a revival, prophetic intercessory prayer

The Lord spoke In 1998 about rising up God’s army in Finland. As an example should be king Jehoshaphat from the family of David, who placed troops in all the fortified cities of Judah (II Chron. 17). He sent his 5 highest officials to the cities to teach with 9 priests. So we, too, should place God’s troops , His prayer army, to our cities. God will also place his 5 officials, the fife fold ministry gifts, in the Body of Christ, in the Church throughout Finland, to all cities; the teachers, the shepherds, the evangelists, the prophets and the apostles. They will make the Body of Christ ready for the work of gospel. 9 priests are symbolizing the 9 gifts of the Spirit, which the Bible tells.

This is a picture of all the 5 ministries of God, as well as the whole Body of Christ will function in the grace and anointing of the Holy Spirit, equipped with His gifts. This way Finland will be prepared for the revival. We started to call and gather these city prayer groups from about year 2000 in 14 cities and later in October 2008 the Peoples Bible Society organized the Christ Day in Turku hall, where a city prayer group got started in every city and town, 10 000 intercessors being there from all places in Finland. The prayer groups are formed of believers from all Christian denominations and churches. They gather weekly to pray for their city or town and thus prepare it for a revival.
The Lord has spoken also about to start prayer centers all over in Finland. I have marked in the vision 10 prayer centers, some of them already being established and many people having vision to start one.

The map of Finland with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers
The map of Finland with the vision of city prayer group network and prayer centers

The Lord has shown, that the other Scandinavian countries should also start a city prayer group network
A prophet named Deborah in Northern Ireland has seen a vision of Finland calling other nations in North and in Europe to rise up a prayer army in their land. She has drawn her vision on a map and we see it here; the maiden Finland blowing the sofar and calling nations to prepare for a revival with city prayer groups all over their land.

The vision of maiden Finland blowing the sofar
The vision of maiden Finland blowing the sofar

The Lord is calling intercessors to the cities and towns of Scandinavian countries. I believe, God is going to lift these 5 Northern Cross Flag Nations to glorify the victory of the cross of Jesus Christ in this end time as an encouragement for the whole Europe.
Scandinavian countries

Below is the map of Sweden with the vision of the city prayer network and prayer centers. Let’s pray, that the Lord will lift up in every city someone He has chosen, often in prophetic calling, to blow the trumpet and call believers to come together from different churches to pray for their city.
Pastors together with intercessory leaders of prophetic or apostolic anointing may start a strong city wide prayer group or a prayer gathering, for ex once a month to come together to pray for their city. A pastor can point in his church someone to start a prayer group in the church for the city. There can of course be many prayer groups in one city praying for a change and revival.

The map of Sweden with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers
The map of Sweden with the vision of city prayer group network and prayer centers

Below you see the map of Norway with the vision of the whole country being fortified with city prayer groups and prayer centers. We pray, that the Lord will rise up those blowing the sofar in the cities and towns of Norway to call intercessors to come together for their city. And that those, whom God has called to start a prayer center, would seek the Lord and be bold in the work. In intercessory prayer we will make our land ready for the visitation of the Lord.

The map of Norway with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers
The map of Norway with the vision of city prayer group network and prayer centers

In Denmark the Lord will also wake up the Church to stand up and fight for their cities and towns!
God promises in His word: “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”
(II Chron. 7:14). We pray, that our brothers and sisters in Denmark would gather together to pray for their cities to prepare their land for revival!

The map of Denmark with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers
The map of Denmark with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers

God is looking at Iceland and at His intercessors there to rise up and to pray for their home cities and towns. In Iceland too, you have to blow the trumpet and gather believers together to pray and to cry out to God for salvation and healing of the land!

The map of Iceland with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers
The map of Iceland with the vision of city prayer groups and prayer centers

I have been touched by the story in Luke, where Jesus is crying for Jerusalem, because she did not know her time of visitation of the Lord. Straight after that He goes to the temple and rebukes it for not praying! He turns the table upside down and is furious about the condition of His Father’s House saying: “It is written, My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves”
(Luke 19:41-45). I think, that if the House of God had prayed, the city would have know her time of visitation. Interceding for the city we can wake it up to hear and see God’s calling.

Jesus cleansing the temple
Jesus cleansing the temple to be a House of Prayer

I’m sure God wants to cleanse the Church of Scandinavian countries from all vain work and call it to pray for their cities!


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