tisdag 22 maj 2012

A word for Sweden

"Sweden |ˈswēdn|
a country that occupies the eastern part of the Scandinavian peninsula; pop. 8,986,000; capital, Stockholm; language, Swedish (official). Swedish name Sverige .
Originally united in the 12th century, Sweden formed part of the Union of Kalmar with Denmark and Norway from 1397 until its reemergence as an independent kingdom in 1523. Between 1814 and 1905, it was united with Norway. A constitutional monarchy, Sweden has pursued a policy of nonalignment, and it remained neutral in the two world wars.Sweden joined the European Union in 1995.

A Word for Sweden
Tuesday 15 February 2011

A Prophetic Word, spoken over Sweden, November 2009, after people have been seeking God for a word for this nation!

Sweden is one of the keys for Europe coming to the Lord. You could say… as goes Sweden, so goes Finland and Norway and other nations in Europe.

Many prayers have been sown into the land and these will not return void. There is a darkness over Sweden that will clear. Part of Sweden’s original destiny from the Lord is to showcase purity and simplicity and there is a time coming when there will be a backlash against humanism and revival will come to the church. Sweden will be more than a conqueror through Christ and this land will show forth the manifest presence of the Lord.

Sweden will be a nation that is a harbinger of spring (as a robin sings of the new life of spring). Sweden will “sing” in strength of the new thing of God and will trumpet inward and outward of His grace and mercy. She will be a living harbinger of the goodness of God. His river is increasing there and will be full to overflowing.

Many churches were seen coming to life and even new ones will spring up. Some of these were seen coming out of darkness and becoming bright with the truth of Jesus.

Their lamp-stands looked like they were dusty, but the light was beginning to shine and become brighter. God destined Sweden to be a nation that proclaims the gospel of the Kingdom.
They also are a nation destined to be a voice of one crying in the wilderness to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. Isaiah 55:1 is the Lord’s wooing to Sweden.

“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.”"

torsdag 17 maj 2012



profetiskt tilltal förmedlat av Marie Bobbert 2007-08-24

Drömmen tog jag emot den 18/12-01. Nu förstår jag att tiden är rätt för att den ska få komma fram. Öppna ditt hjärta för vad Anden har att säga:

"Jag stod vid ett fält. Långt bort i horisonten såg jag röda lador, jag visste att det var Sverige det handlade om. Till vänster om mig en bit bort var det en skog med granar. Helt plötsligt såg jag en tornado som började forma sig vid horisonten. Den började komma närmare och närmare mig. Medan den kommer närmre så ser jag hur den drar med sig människor, hus, bilar och djur in i den. Sen kastar den ut dem med väldig kraft. De dör eller bryter armar och ben. Den kommer närmre mig och går längs med fältet och drar upp alla granarna. När den kommer närmre tänker jag: ”Men det finns inga tornador i Sverige, varför tillåter Gud det?” Jag bad att Han skulle ta bort den, men den kom bara närmre och närmre. Jag tänkte att Han kommer väl inte låta mig hamna i den. Men den kom allt närmre.

Till slut var den vid mig och den kom fort. Jag knäppte mina händer och blundade och tog ett steg rätt ut i den och sa till Gud; låt din vilja ske. Plötsligt blev det knäpptyst. Jag öppnar ögonen och förstår att jag står mitt i tornadons öga. Jag tittar upp i den och kan se hur den snurrar runt mig. Folk slängs omkring i den och bryter ben och armar. De skriker: hjälp, hjälp mig, gör någonting osv. Men de ropade inte på Gud. Jag kan känna deras smärta och gråter för dem, men kan inget göra. Plötsligt är tornadon över och allt som tornadon tagit med upp faller ner på marken. För en sekund är det tyst men omkring mig ser jag döda människor och folk som ligger och skriker och lider. En kvinna kryper på marken och är skadad. Hon kryper upp till mig och är så arg på mig och frågar: ”Varför är inte du skadad?”. Jag tänker efter ett tag och säger: ”Jag vet inte.” Men jag förstår att det är för att jag förlitade mig på Herren som jag kunde stå i stormen."
När jag vaknar går jag till Bibeln och får till mig Hosea 4:1-19. Herren talar till Sveriges kristna; (mina egna ord inom parentes)

”Hör Herrens ord, ni Israels barn! Ty Herren går till rätta med dem som bor i landet, eftersom ingen sanning och ingen kärlek och ingen kunskap om Gud finns i landet. Man svär och ljuger, mördar och stjäl och begår äktenskapsbrott. Man far våldsamt fram, och blodsdåd följer på blodsdåd. Därför sörjer landet, och allt som lever där tynar bort, både djuren på marken och fåglarna under himlen (fågelinfluensa), till och med fiskarna i havet förgås (torsken försvinner)…..mitt folk går under i brist på kunskap (man har ingen eller lite kunskap i Guds ord)……..De ska äta men inte bli mätta, bedriva otukt men inte föröka sig (vi har aborter, folk lever promiskuöst; men inga barn föds, vi har världens äldsta befolkning), ty de har upphört att hålla sig till Herren. …..Mitt folk frågar sin avgudabild av trä till råds och hämtar svar från sin stav, ty en otuktsande har fört dem vilse, så att de bedriver otukt och överger sin Gud…..och folket som ingenting förstår går under…….som en bångstyrig kviga spjärnar Israel emot. Hur ska då Herren kunna föra dem i bet som lamm på en stor äng? Efraim står i förbund med avgudar-låt honom vara! Deras dryckenskap är omåttlig, hejdlöst bedriver de sin otukt. Landets sköldar (regeringen) älskar skamliga ting. Men en stormvind ska fatta dem med sina vingar, och de ska komma på skam med sina offer.”

Vidare står det i kapitel 5:1-4
Hör detta, ni präster! Lyssna, ni av Israels hus! Vänd örat till, ni som hör till kungens hus! Domen gäller er!.....Israel är orenad…..Deras gärningar hindrar dem att vända tillbaka till sin Gud, ty en otuktsande bor i deras bröst, och Herren känner de inte.Herren talar till sina barn, Guds hus. Vänd om till Honom nu. Fall på knä och be om nåd och förlåtelse, återvänd till Honom. Han är barmhärtig och förlåter din synd. Han väntar på dig. Han älskar dig och vill ha dig som en ren brud i sitt rike.

Han säger vidare i vers 15:
I nöden ska de vända sig till migDet kommer en tid då vi måste förlita oss på Honom. Värre tider kommer och vi kan inte stå i stormen om vi inte har tro på Honom.
Jesaja 7:9: Om ni inte är fasta i tron har ni inget fäste.
Om vi inte har tro när svårigheter, nöd och omständigheter kommer så kommer vi att falla! Dra dig närmre Honom så kommer Han att dra sig närmre dig!

Vidare i Hosea 6:6 står det:
Ty jag har min glädje i kärlek och inte i offer och i kunskap om Gud mer än brännoffer. I kapitel 10:12 står det: Så åt er i rättfärdighet, skörda efter kärlekens bud, bryt er ny mark. Det är tid att söka Herren, till dess att Han kommer och lär er rättfärdighet.
I vers 11 står det att: en skördetid är bestämd, när jag åter gör slut på mitt folks fångenskap……så skynda dig att komma in i Hans närvaro och ta del av de löften Han har för dig, min vän. Han älskar dig och det finns inget större Han vill än att ta dig i famnen och lyfta dina bördor. Ta vara på tiden för den är kort. Helig Ande kommer som en stormvind, förbered dig i Hans närvaro så att du kan stå när stormen kommer!

Från Martins Scotts blogg där han skriver om sitt besök i Jönköping:

"I came to this city for the first time last year and the Lord showed me a year when the ’spiritual clock’ had stopped. This was confirmed by a very committed pastor to the purposes of God. He was again present this year and prophesied powerfully about a coming spiritual tornado that is coming."


onsdag 9 maj 2012

Prophecies over Norway and The Viking Nations

Prophecies over Norway and The Viking Nations
Collated by Bernard Brown
Scandinavian Ministries ~ April 2005

1937 Oil along coast of Norway would indicate the nearness of Jesus’s return
In 1937, Martin Andersen an elder in the Pentecostal church at Moss in Norway heard the following prophecy:“ When oil comes out of the north seas and along theNorwegian coast, things will begin to happen and the return of Jesus is approaching.”
When these words were proclaimed people stood up in the congregation and askedthe man to sit down and not to speak such nonsense. Oil being pumped along theNorwegian coast!? Today Norway is the third biggest exporter of oil in the world!

1968 A 90 year old lady from Valdres.
* Period of détente and disarmament. 3rd world war.
* Luke-warmness and falling away
* Deterioration in morals
* People stream to Norway from poor countries

An old woman of 90 from Valdres in Norway had this vision from God. “I saw the timejust before the return of Jesus and the outbreak of the Third World War. She mentionsfour events that will happen in Norway in the last days.
“First, there will be a détente like never before. There will be a long peace betweenthe Super Powers in the east and west (In 1968 the cold war was at a peak) In thisperiod there will be disarmament in many countries, also in Norway, so we will not beprepared when the war comes. The 3rd world war will begin in a way that no onecould have anticipated and from an unexpected place.”

Secondly. “A luke-warmness without parallel will take hold of many Christians,combined with a falling away from true living Christianity. They will not be open forpenetrating preaching. They will not want to hear of sin and grace, law and gospel,repentance and restoration. There will come a substitute instead; prosperity(happiness) Christianity.

The important thing will be to have success, to be something, to have material things,things that God never promised us. Churches and prayer houses will be emptier andemptier. Instead of the preaching, entertainment, art and culture will invade thechurches where there should have been gatherings for repentance and revival.This will increase markedly just before the return of Jesus.”

Thirdly. “There will be a moral disintegration that Norway has never experienced the likes of. People will live together like married but without being married. Muchuncleanness before marriage, and much infidelity in marriage will become the normaland it will be justified from every angle. It will even enter Christian circles.”
“TV will be filled with such horrible violence that it teaches people to murder and destroy each other and it will be unsafe on our streets. People will copy what they see. There will not only be one TV station but the air will be filled with many. People will use the TV for entertainment. Sex scenes will also be shown on the screen, the most intimate things that take place in a marriage.” (This was written in 1968 whenthese things would still have been unthinkable)

Fourthly. “People from poor countries will stream to Europe. They will also come to Scandinavia and Norway. There will be so many of them that people will begin to dislike them and will become hard towards them. They will be treated like the Jewsbefore the Second World War. Then the full measure of our sins will have been reached.”

The tears streamed down the old woman’s cheeks, “I will not see, but you will. Then suddenly, Jesus will come and the third world war breaks out. It will be a short war. All that I have seen of war before is only child’s play compared to this one, and it will be ended with a nuclear bomb. The air will be so polluted that one cannot draw one’s breath. It will cover several continents, America, Japan, Australia and the wealthy nations. The water will be ruined. We can no longer till the soil. The result will be that only a remnant will remain. The remnant in the wealthy countries will try to flee to the poorer countries but they will be as hard on us as we were on them.The one who has his sin forgiven and has Jesus as Saviour and Lord is safe”

1997 Esther Teo from Singapore.
A vision of the Holy Spirit moving from England to Norway.
Norway will be the gate to Europe.

In 1997 Esther Teo from Singapore has such a burden for Norway that she travelled there to deliver a special message. “There will be a revival in Europe. The Holy Spirit is moving from England to Norway, and Norway will be the gate to Europe. Missionary fire starters will take the revival from Norway to other parts of Europe. Pray for Norway’s towns and cities; God will bring the nation back through them. Prayer warriors from England will visit the country, and Norwegians will also become prayer warriors, opposing satan and commanding him to let their people go. But before this move of God’s Spirit there will be a movement of intercession and repentance. 
Intercession and repentance will precede the move of The Holy Spirit.

September 2001 Bernard Brown:
“As the Arctic Circle runs through Norway and Sweden so there is a spiritual arctic circle that runs through Europe. As much of the ice and snow melts when the summer comes, I will melt the hearts of these nations by my Spirit. Brokenness and revival will flow down from Norway, Sweden, through Denmark and into Germany and the rest of Europe like an unstoppable tide.”

He also saw a picture of Norwegians coming across the mountains. Each had a rucksack on their back, out of each rucksack was a Norwegian flag, and from the top of the flag was a flame. He felt God say that the flame was the life of God, and these people were those who God would use to take His life from house to house, street to street, city to city and from this nation to many nations.
These people were Vikings with a new spirit that God would raise up. Once the Vikings were a fearless people who feared no man nor had any fear of God. Now the Vikings fear man but still don’t fear God. The Vikings that God is raising up will fear Him but have no fear of man. This time when they go they will take the life and love of God and reach many for the Kingdom.

“Som Polarsirkelen går gjennom Norge og Sverige slik er det en åndelig Polarsirkel som går gjennom Europa. Som snø og is smelter når sommeren kommer, slik vil jeg smelte hjertene i disse nasjonene ved min Ånd. Sønderknuselse vil flyte nedover fra Norge, Sverige, gjennom Danmark og inn i Tyskland og resten av Europa som en ustoppelig strøm.”

June 2003.Alec and Sue Morling from England.
Norway, like Lazarus, is sick . . .
“I am going to wake him up - I am going to bring life and revival. I want you to proclaim this!”

22nd November 2000
God gave Günter Krallmann a vision concerning revival for Norway. He saw a picture of Norway from space with a clenched hand, thumb uppermost, poised over the nation, from the base of the hand golden light was pouring down covering the whole land. The vision was a sign that the Glory of God will come over Norway. See Isaiah 40:5 and 60:1-3. A promise that God will do amazing things.

2004 At a Christian Conference in Jordan an Arabic speaking man gave a message in ‘a tongue’. The tongue was given in perfect Swedish, a pastor from Sweden was present at the Conference and heard the message. “At a small place in the north of Norway named ‘Trerikrøset near the border with Sweden and Finland there is source of a river that feeds into the nations of Norway, Sweden and Finland.This is a picture of a revival that God will bring to these nations’.

2004 YWAM Staff Conference in Hawaii.
Angel with large flask of oil – poised to pour it out over north coast of Norway
In 2004 at a conference for staff of YWAM North America a lady had a picture of an angel standing at the northern coast of Norway. The angel had a large flask of oil and was poised to pour out the oil. As the angel did so the oil flowed southward and eastward into Sweden and on down into Denmark. She felt that this was a picture of God wanting to pour out revival on these nations and that the conference should give time to pray for this.

For additional prophecies concerning about Norway given to a small group of intercessors who meet weekly to pray for the nation in Somerset, England, please go to the Photo Galleries, the Norwegian Collection and click on the Prophetic Words for Norway